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ThingLink for Museums and Libraries

A Smart Visual Media Solution for Digital Content Creation and Sharing

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Virtual Tours Made Easy

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iPad with ThingLink scene on screen

Improved guest experience

iPad with ThingLink scene on screen
  • Any digital image or video from collections becomes a learning opportunity. They can carry additional information, audio or video notes from experts, and other links.
  • Virtual exhibitions multiply the number of visitors. They serve a wider audience who may not be able to visit in person.

Application areas

A picture of a museum with tags on it
  • Virtual introductions to collections, exhibitions, physical facilities
  • Web and social media campaigns with embedded links to additional details, expert interviews, ticket purchase, and gift shop
  • Opens up multiple collaboration opportunities with education and research
A picture of a museum with tags on it
A picture of a museum with tags on it

Key benefits

A picture of a museum with tags on it
  • Rich media annotations increase the informational and educational value of image and video databases
  • A cloud-based hosting solution introduces new ways to serve both visitors and research partners without increasing costs for content management
  • An improved guest experience on multiple platforms leads to growth in community, memberships and donations

Project ideas

  • Showcase the floorplan as an interactive map on a wide touch screen at building entrance
  • Create virtual audio tours with expert commentary that visitors can access using QR codes and mobile phones
  • Create games for classrooms: Use QR codes attached to physical objects or spaces to create an escape room at museums or libraries
  • Create virtual training for customer service personnel
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Picture of a multimedia board

“ThingLink has shown us the possibilities of combining real space and virtual space. It’s so quick – there’s no waiting to see how it will look. There’s no need to brief external design agencies, with the potential for confusion and extra cost that involves.”

Anna Kadar

Petofi Literary Museum

“We hope that this interactive map helps people discover arts and cultural organizations they have never been to, and put it on their bucket list to go when doors reopen”

Sarah Laursen and Sarah Briggs

Vermont Art Online

"The quality of the virtual experience was high. 360° images were excellent and made it easy to move from one space to another."

Lauri Haavisto

Military Museum of Finland

Screenshot of the immersive reader

Improved accessibility

Screenshot of the immersive reader
  • Collections become accessible for both in person and virtual visitors on any device and platform
  • Digital materials will be automatically accessible via Immersive Reader in over 80 languages
  • Helps serve underprivileged communities

Easy content creation with one unified UI

ThingLink’s web-based media editor is fully integrated with Microsoft Teams

Possible to integrate with different content management systems

Integration with Immersive Reader (Cognitive Services)

Scalable cloud-based hosting on Azure

A flexible hosting solution that grows with your needs

Supports large image and video archives , including 360° media

Makes content accessible from any device, sharable to any platform

Case study

V&A Dundee Widens Access with ThingLink

Evolve Your Immersive Experiences with ThingLink Today

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